I Am

New work I’ve made over the past two years in association
with St. Michaels House in Dublin.

A photographic
portrait series of adults with intellectual disabilities who avail of services
provided by St. Michael’s House in Dublin.

The work is about
being seen, being visible and being included!

Full Series

Thanks to everyone involved in this project, and a very special thanks to Roy McConkey for writing the following inspirational quote to accompany the work.

“A photographic portrait provides an opportunity to  really look.  The viewer is encouraged to think more deeply about the person -  their life,  their feelings, even their hopes.  They may slowly realise that the people portrayed are not so different after all as they see similarities with themselves or others known to them.   When that happens, the door to inclusion starts to open in people’s minds and in due course to their actions.   From such small steps , a more socially inclusive society is built.”

Emeritus Professor Roy McConkey OBE, PhD.